Protecting Workers From Wrongful Employment Practices


The Spiggle Law Firm represents clients in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. We cover a variety of employment law practice areas.  We also represent clients with legal matters related to security clearance, commercial litigation, and criminal defense.

Since opening its doors in 2009, our Virginia employment lawyers have negotiated millions in wrongful employment settlements and become a trusted and respected advocate for those facing discrimination, retaliation, and harassment in the workplace.

Workplace Discrimination

If you have experienced discrimination in the workplace due to a trait over which you have no control, you may feel helpless to regain your rights that have been usurped. Yet instead of…

Workplace Retaliation

Facing adverse actions at work after voicing a concern or complaint can be distressing and unfair. Our legal team is dedicated to protecting employees who have been subjected to retaliation, ensuring your rights are restored and justice is served.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not only deeply violating but also illegal. Our experienced attorneys are committed to providing compassionate and effective legal support, helping victims confront this misconduct and seek rightful compensation and resolution

Wrongful Termination

Being dismissed from your job without just cause is a challenging and often unjust experience. Our firm specializes in wrongful termination cases, striving to secure your rights and pursue appropriate remedies for any unlawful employment practices you’ve endured.

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